How to Combine Forces to Combat Misinformation: Dow Jones - TruthBuzz Webinar

Monday December 23, 2019, 8:00 AM EDT

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Anyone concerned with how newsrooms can halt the spread of misinformation should attend this Dow Jones-TruthBuzz webinar about how newsroom coalitions have worked together to counter dis-/misinformation. You will hear from two experts who have extensive experience in helping newsrooms and journalists work together to combat misinformation.

Our experts: Astudestra Ajengrastri, Senior Broadcast Journalist - Social Media Editor at BBC News Indonesia and a former ICFJ TruthBuzz Fellow, and Lilia Zaharia, a senior reporter at the Moldova Association of Independent Press (API) and Editorial Director of ProFact Moldova, a program that mobilized journalists to apply investigative techniques to identify and counter sources of false information online.In Indonesia, Ajengrastri worked closely with the Cekfakta Coalition - a collaborative effort of 24 online newsrooms - to tackle the spread of disinformation during the 2019 presidential campaign. Cekfakta organized a live fact-checking operation during the presidential debates. This work convinced at least one candidate to admit he was less likely to make false claims knowing they would be debunked.

In Moldova, Zaharia and the ProFact network investigated false stories spread in Moldovan media, publishing credible responses through the local fact-checking site StopFals and other independent media outlets. Through a partnership with local “troll-hunters” and researchers in the UK, the team exposed some fake social media accounts spreading false information, revealing connections between misinformation and major political parties in the country.