Gabriela Medina

Gabriela Medina is an experienced reporter who has worked in radio and television broadcasting and also faced the difficulties of balancing a career in media while raising two children. During the pandemic, the challenges increased because she also had to become a home-school teacher. However, despite these challenges, Gabriela submitted a proposal and worked with Border Center mentors to  publish an anti-corruption investigation about fake traffic tickets handed out in Hermosillo, Sonora. When she was asked about the mentorship process, Gabriela said she learned a methodology to conduct investigations that went beyond reporting on a story or repeating the rhetoric of government officials. She even stated that “When you have a methodology, like the one the Border Center teaches to conduct an in-depth story – without leaving any details behind – then you realize that all the reporting experience you might have is not useful unless you apply it to investigative reporting.” During that same interview, Gabriela affirmed that she will soon resume her investigative work with the Border Hub community.

Investigation: “Multas fantasma” en Hermosillo, un sistema de recaudación al margen de la ley