Joao Batista De Pinho Carvalho Neto

Supervising Producer

Joao Batista De Pinho Carvalho Neto was a 2015 Professional Fellow from Latin America with ICFJ. 

Joao Carvalho is the supervising producer for GloboNews’ two major business and financial TV shows: Conta Corrente (“Current Account”), a live daily show focused on economy, personal finances, market and business stores and Mundo s/a (“World Inc.”), a weekly show about entrepreneurship, brands, and business insights. GloboNews is Brazil’s main 24-hour news channel, and is a part of Globo TV Company.

Originally from Rio, Joao currently lives in Sao Paulo. In the past he lived in London where he worked for BBC and CNBC Europe. He also received a Master’s degree in Journalism. Joao has worked for Bloomberg TV in New York City.

Joao loves to travel, play videogames, and watch Netflix in his free time – which is rare. He also collects superheroes action figures, cycles on weekends, and goes to the gym less often than he would like to. Joao has finished writing his first book: a fantasy sci-fi book (it might be published someday, he hopes!).