2017 First Hundred Days Reporting Program


Since President Donald J. Trump was sworn into office, both U.S. and international journalists have been eager to report on his first days in the White House and his plans to deliver on his campaign promises. Trump's first few weeks were filled with executive orders, controversial confirmation hearings, and a focus on keeping jobs in the U.S.

The International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) with support from U.S. Embassy posts around the globe brought 12 international journalists to cover the first hundred days of Donald Trump’s administration for their U.S. media hosts and their audiences at home. The program built on ICFJ’s successful “General Election Embed program,” which has brought journalists from around the world to cover the past three General Elections alongside their American counterparts. Information on our most recent 2016 program can be found here.

The 2017 program shed light on the aftermath of the General Election in parts of the country that receive limited international media coverage. The program also allowed foreign journalists to forge lasting connections with U.S. journalists in Rust Belt states, illuminate the concerns of working class Americans, and closely examine the Trump Administration’s plans to address them. The journalists were hosted by newsrooms based in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Ohio. Their reporting internships ran from April 17 - April 25, 2017.

Before embarking on their reporting assignments, the international reporters spent three days in an orientation program in Washington, D.C. They attended training sessions led by political and media experts to deepen their knowledge of the U.S. government’s executive branch and the watchdog role of the media. Topics covered included: the economy and trade, immigration, healthcare, and foreign policy. On their last orientation day, the journalists reported on issues related to the new administration. They were encouraged to apply lessons learned during their orientation to explore issues of relevance to the American working class.

After they travel to their Rust Belt states to cover Trump's first hundred days, the journalists returned to Washington, D.C. for a two-day reporting trip, which included a debrief session. This allowed the participants to complement their coverage of Rust Belt states with reporting from the country’s capital. During their debrief session, participants reflected on their experience and engaged in a discussion on how they can apply their new skills and knowledge to their coverage of the U.S. and global politics back home.

April 11: Participants arrive in Washington, D.C.
April 12-14: Participants attend an orientation program and reporting tour hosted by ICFJ in Washington, D.C.
April 15: Participants travel to “Rust Belt” states for media attachments
April 16-25: Participants cover the first days of the Trump presidency
April 26: Participants return to Washington, D.C.
April 26-27: Participants continue their reporting tour in Washington, D.C.
April 28: Participants attend a program debrief in Washington, D.C.
April 28: Participants return to their home countries

Meet the fellows

Program Dates:
4/10/2017 - 4/27/2017
Program Type

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Contact Info

Zainab Imam
Program Manager

Lori Ke
Program Officer

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