Djamila Mouffok

Djamila Mouffok was a 2014 ICFJ Professional Fellow from the Middle East, on the program "Unlocking the Economic Potential of Digital Media." Becoming a journalist was a childhood dream for Djamila. While studying English at the University of Algiers, Mouffok began freelancing in 1991 for the Algerian daily newspapers Le Soir d’Algérie and Al Khabar.

In 1993 Mouffok was hired as a presenter on Algerian public television (ENTV) and has worked there continuously, including as a live anchor and host of programs on youth issues. She has pursued field reporting in addition to in-studio work. Among her projects, she produced a three-year series of documentaries on historical and social issues including the Algerian revolution of 1954 to 1962. With the tumultuous events following September 11, 2001, Mouffok began covering international news including the Iraq war, the Iranian nuclear program, U.S. presidential elections, the global economic crisis. Mouffok holds a bachelor’s in English from University of Algiers-Bouzareah.

Project: “Deadly Roads” -- Electronic signs informing drivers of dangerous conditions.