Priscila Brito Marcelino

Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Priscila Brito Marcelino was a 2017 Professional Fellow from Latin America with ICFJ.

Country: Brazil

Organization and Position: I am the co-founder and editor-in-chief at Festivalando. I am responsble for content strategy development, business and technical management and writing. Favorite digital tool: Wordpress. It is a powerful tool that enables anyone to become a publisher and can be tailored accordingly to your needs and interests thanks to millions of plugins.

Project Proposal: Build a resource and learning guide for Brazilian journalists who want to fund and grow sustainable digital media businesses on their own. The project aims at developing the entrepreneurial mindset in Brazilian journalists and becoming a relevant educational source for digital media business.

Proudest Professional Accomplishment: Starting up my own media project from zero, in partnership with my former college mate, now a business partner. Festivalando, an entertainment website about music tourism and music festivals, a pioneer for its niche in Brazil. In our first two years, we partnered with relevant players in music industry, such as Spotify, Lollapalooza and MTV.

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