
Community News Sites and Community Engagement

MalaysiaKini is currently working on a community news site, KomunitiKini, to provide news and information on communities across Malaysia. The local news situation in Malaysia is a microcosm of the national news situation, but only with fewer dedicated traditional news outlets. All of the local mainstream media is associated with a constituent party of the ruling coalition. Local or regional newspapers are relatively limited and coverage tends to focus on crime with limited reporting on community issues. Independent voices or community activism is restricted to online.

亚洲中国新媒体研讨会 / Asia China New Media Conference

Over the past weekend (2-3 October 2010) in Kuala Lumpur a conference featuring over 100 active participants in new media gathered in Kuala Lumpur to share local media dynamics, their views on freedom of the press and individual expression and the impacts of new and social media on their work.

The Asia China New Media Conference, hosted by MalaysiaKini’s Chinese Service and sponsored by Open Society Institute and the University of Hong Kong’s Center for Journalism and Media Studies, gathered over one hundred journalists, bloggers and academics to discuss the current state of new

Tehelka Magazine Profiles Knight International Journalism Fellow's Alternative News Platform

Indian weekly Tehelka features Knight Fellow Shubhranshu Choudhary's mobile news service, CGNet Swara, which offers a platform for tribal Indians to report on local issues. The article explains the project's mission and its successes - a liquor store near a school was closed because of citizens' reports after the government was trying to relocate the school instead.

Structure and Journalism

As part of developing sustainable business models for online media, I have tried to catch-up with what Reg Chua is thinking about the structure of journalism at his blog “(Re)Structuring Journalism”.

MDLF and the MalaysiaKini Story

The last few weeks have been a bit slow in Malaysia as the country celebrates the end of Ramadan and the festive season of Hari Raya. During the slow time, I have written a few things for other blogs on the work and situation at MalaysiaKini, as they get posted I will cross post them.

Journalist as Entrepreneur

Recently, the MalaysiaKini citizen journalist program kicked into expansion mode with a three-day “train the trainers” workshop in Kuala Lumpur.

Citizen Journalists in Tribal India Use Cell Phones to Send and Receive News

In a remote region of central India, a citizen journalist reached for a cell phone recently, and with the push of a few buttons filed a report to a mobile phone news service developed by Knight International Journalism Fellow Shubhranshu Choudhary. The story was about school workers going unpaid for more than a year, and included contact information for the education secretary.

Once it was confirmed and approved by professionals, the story was made available publicly. Subscribers to the news service got a prompt on their own cell phones that a new story had been posted.

Delivering the Goods: Overview of the Marketing and Product Development Process

Start-ups often grow organically and often need a little guidance on growth and development.

Southeast Asian Media Legal Defense Network Launches in Kuala Lumpur

SEAMLDN officially launches regional network to support the legal defense of media freedom in Southeast Asia.

Media controls are a complicated business.  We are all aware of the overt control exerted over the media in markets where the media is owned or “affiliated” with the government or where access to the Internet is filtered through a firewall.  But, in markets across Asia less overt but equally effective techniques are used to keep the media under control or out of the picture.  These techniques often take the form of legal or administrative barriers to operations.

In th

Business Models and OpenWebAsia 2010

Looking at new business and funding models for independent online media at the annual OpenWebAsia conference held July 13th and 14th in Kuala Lumpur.

Looking for more background on developing sustainable business models for the independent online media in the region, I attended the Open Web Asia conference that was held in Kuala Lumpur this past week.  This is a semi-regular event last held in Seoul in 2008.  This year’s event was sponsored by the Multimedia Development Corporation MDeC a branch of the Malaysian government responsible for the