Raphael Mollandy Mweninguwe

Raphael Mollandy Mweninguwe is a freelance journalist based in Malawi who has over 15 years of journalism experience. He is a regular contributor to Bistandsaktuelt, a Norwegian media organization, and D+C a German media organization. Raphael has previously won six international media awards as a journalist. These include a UN Media Award, the Siemens Media Award, Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Media Award, and the World Bank Media Award. Currently, he is the President of the SADC WASH Media Network, and Chair of the National WASH Media Forum. He is also into media and Communication consultancy work.
Through the ICFJ Global Nutrition and Food Security Reporting Fellowship, Mollandy Mweninguwe wrote stories about how food taboos foment malnutrition in Africa and South Asia and how religious beliefs can thwart access to healthcare and endanger people in Malawi.