Safety Guidelines for ICFJ Employees, Trainers, Independent Contractors, Fellows And Participants

ICFJ's role is educational. Its staff, trainers and participants are not war reporters, and a climate of chaos and conflict is seldom conducive to learning. Hence ICFJ trainers, contractors and participants, unlike reporters, will not normally be dispatched into conflict or other situations where useful journalism or media management training cannot be conducted effectively.

When making judgments about such assignments, program staff should consult both with the individuals involved, as well as with ICFJ's President and/or Vice President. The trainers, contract employees and participants should be made aware that they are under no obligation to go if they feel any concern about their safety and/or their ability to carry out a successful training assignment. They should also be told that ICFJ will always defer to these individuals’ own judgment and instincts regarding their personal safety, either before their assignment commences or at any time during their work overseas or in the United States. ICFJ will cover the cost of relocating them to a safer venue.

ICFJ reserves the right to make changes in any program for training-effectiveness and/or safety considerations, and to require staff, independent contractors, and participants to leave any area deemed by ICFJ to be unsuitable or unsafe. Failure of any trainers, contractors or participants to do so will release ICFJ from any further obligation under any agreement with the individual.

Statement of Agreement

I have read the policy statement above and agree to abide by its terms and provisions. I agree that ICFJ cannot take responsibility for the safety of trainers, independent contractors, fellows and participants sent overseas, and that by making these assignments and programs available, there is no implied assessment by ICFJ of the safety of the country or region. I understand that I am under no obligation to accept this assignment from ICFJ, and that I should inform ICFJ if I believe the situation in the region where I am assigned has become unsafe.