ICFJ and the Media Diversity Institute (MDI) held webinars for potential applicants on October 17, March 1 and March 9, 2017 to ask their questions about the program.
Emily Schult, Devin Chavira and Amal Azimova of ICFJ, Giulia Dessi of MDI and Lead Mentor Peter Pomerantsev answered questions about the application and judging process, the program itself, and what we are looking for in competitive applications. See below for more details:
October 17 Webinar:
You can view a recording of the October 17 webinar here.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the October 17 Webinar!
March 9 Webinar:
You can view a recording of the March 9 webinar here.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the March 9 Webinar!
March 1 Webinar:
Thank you to everyone who participated in the March 1 Webinar!
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