Partner with Leap

ICFJ is partnering with companies, universities and other groups on Leap. We would love to talk with you about opportunities to collaborate. Please reach out to ICFJ with any inquiries. All speaking/mentoring roles are compensated. We welcome in-kind contributions and sponsorships as well.

Here are a few ways to partner:

As a Program Speaker or Workshop Leader

  • Lead a 90-minute discussion with Leap participants on a specialized topic: Themes for 2022/2023 include:
    • Trust and Transparency
    • Web3 for Journalism (Dweb, blockchain, DAOs, NFTs)
    • Storytelling in the Multiverse (AR/VR, holograms, creating communities and culture)
    • Privacy, Ethics and Surveillance in future spaces 
  • Lead a 90-minute hands-on workshop for participants to learn a new tool, skill or process
  • The same person can do linked discussions and workshops. 

As an Expert

  • Serve as an occasional resource to program participants for a one-hour session of  one-on-one coaching
  • A list of all experts will be available on ICFJ's website, as "Leap network of experts" 

As a Mentor

  • Work with program participants up to four hours a week providing feedback, guidance and networking support
  • Mentors may also be involved with following up on participant growth and reporting back to ICFJ

As a sponsor:

  • Your company’s financial contribution will expand the impact of our program. Grants and contributions will help us equip journalists with the skills needed to build innovation in journalism.
  • We gladly accept in-kind donations that advance our work. We are seeking technology, (such as cameras, computers), software, printing services, hotel accommodations, travel vouchers, for our staff and international participants.

As a collaborator:

  • Collaboratively build programs with ICFJ 
  • Offer expertise in these fields: Immersive Technology, Web3, AI, Design Thinking, Product Development, Managing change.

As a Service Provider

  • Share free tools and software that participants can use to develop their ideas
  • Train Leap participants on the use of tools and software.